Optional parameters


The optional path parameter allows you to specify the protected part of your website. It can be either a string or an array. You do not need to specify each URL. Instead, think of path setting as a folder. In the example below everything starting with /api will be authenticated. If you do not define path all routes will be protected.

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\JwtAuthentication([
    "path" => "/api", /* or ["/api", "/admin"] */
    "secret" => "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommittogithub"


With the optional ignore parameter you can make exceptions to path parameter. In the example below everything starting with /api and /admin will be authenticated except /api/token and /admin/ping which will not be authenticated.

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\JwtAuthentication([
    "path" => ["/api", "/admin"],
    "ignore" => ["/api/token", "/admin/ping"],
    "secret" => "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommittogithub"


By default, the middleware assumes the value of the header is in Bearer <token> format. You can change this behaviour with the regexp parameter. For example, if you have a custom header such as X-Token: <token> you should pass both header and regexp parameters.

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\JwtAuthentication([
    "header" => "X-Token",
    "regexp" => "/(.*)/",
    "secret" => "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommittogithub"


You can set supported algorithms via the algorithm parameter. This can be either a string or an array of strings. The default value is ["HS256"]. Supported algorithms are HS256, HS384, HS512 and RS256. Note that enabling both HS256 and RS256 is a security risk.

When passing multiple algorithms it must be a key array, with the key matching the kid of the JWT.

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\JwtAuthentication([
    "secret" => [
        "acme" => "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommittogithub",
        "beta" => "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommittogithub",
    "algorithm" => [
        "amce" => "HS256",
        "beta" => "HS384"


Because of changes in firebase/php-jwt the kid is now checked when multiple algorithms are set, if you do not specify a key the algorithm will be used as the key. this also means the kid will now need to be present in the JWT header as well.


When the token is decoded successfully and authentication succeeds the contents of the decoded token are saved as a token attribute to the $request object. You can change this with. attribute parameter. Set to null or false to disable this behaviour

$app = new Slim\App;

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\JwtAuthentication([
    "attribute" => "jwt",
    "secret" => "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommittogithub"

/* ... */

$decoded = $request->getAttribute("jwt");


The optional logger parameter allows you to pass in a PSR-3 compatible logger to help with debugging or other application logging needs.

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler;

$app = new Slim\App;

$logger = new Logger("slim");
$rotating = new RotatingFileHandler(__DIR__ . "/logs/slim.log", 0, Logger::DEBUG);

$app->add(new Tuupola\Middleware\JwtAuthentication([
    "path" => "/api",
    "logger" => $logger,
    "secret" => "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommittogithub"


The before function is called only when authentication succeeds but before the next incoming middleware is called. You can use this to alter the request before passing it to the next incoming middleware in the stack. If it returns anything else than Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface the return value will be ignored.